
Physical Education

As part of the K-2nd Physical Education program, students are introduced to many different games, activities and sports. At the younger levels, we work on loco-motor movements, fine motor movements, low organizational games, cooperative games, catching and throwing and many of the traditional team sports/games at the basic skill levels. We also take extra care to modify each skill/activity that we teach to meet the needs of each individual student. Through these activities we also focus on the importance of listening, following directions, cooperation, team work, sportsmanship, character education, as well as many other lifelong concepts that will benefit the students as they continue to grow and mature.
With 3rd to 5th grade Physical Education, we build on the basics that have been covered so the students can start to play regulation games in all of the different sports. Not only do we want them to be able to understand each individual sport to the best of their abilities, but we also strive to find a sport/activity that a student can enjoy playing. Our hope is that they will find a lifelong physical activity that will help the students remain healthy and fit. In addition to the traditional sports that we cover, we find it beneficial for the students to include what some would consider out of the box curriculum. This includes hands only CPR, Battle of the Classes, fitness log programs, healthy snack logs, and pedometers just to name a few. Also, just like we do with the younger grades, we make it a point to add a piece of character education into every lesson that we teach.
Instilling the love of being physically active into our students now across all of the grades, so that they will be active throughout their entire lives is extremely crucial to us and we will continue to do our best at adapting and evolving ourselves as well as our curriculum in order to instill this love of physical activity that we possess into our students.